Sleepy Cat Farm Virtual Tour

Sleepy Cat Farm Virtual Tour

Like many others, we’ve had to cancel our Open Garden Conservancy Tours. While we are saddened we won’t be able to greet you all in person and guide you through our garden, it is our pleasure to bring you a compilation of photos from tours 

Ferns in Fall

Ferns in Fall

As the weather cools and plant processes begin to slow  down, many of us resign ourselves to the “wait until next year” philosophy to beautify those problem areas. I for one, am quite guilty of that.  Lately however, with all the rain we have had, I have 

Freshly Harvested Ramps

Freshly Harvested Ramps

Ramps, or wild leeks (Allium tricoccum), were once relegated to growing in the wild, but this springtime vegetable is being grown in more and more vegetable gardens. They have a flavor that blends Spring onions and garlic. Ramps are delicious eaten on their own, pickled, 

Open Garden Day | September 21, 2017

Open Garden Day | September 21, 2017

Open Garden Day 2017 was a resounding success!