Our Team

Felipe (left) is our Property and Facilities Manager, and has worked at for 10 years full time, but had been coming to help with irrigation since 2002. When Mr. Landman began adding properties, he found Felipe’s work to be incremental to keeping Sleepy Cat Farm running smoothly, and that stands to this day. He can do just about anything, and is the craftsman of many of the bamboo fences and support structures throughout the property.

Emilio (right) is Felipe’s full time assistant and has been for 5 years. He is also instrumental in keeping the property running, often taking care of the aquatic features across the acres.

Kristi, our Head Horticulturist, has been working in horticulture and design for 20+ years. She has worked with various design firms including Balmori Associates and Lynden B. Miller as well as co-founding VertNY, Inc, an urban landscape design firm in New York City, before coming to Sleepy Cat Farm. Kristi’s experience has encompassed a wide range of design projects in the public and private realms as well as national and international. She has 3 certificates from New York Botanical Garden. Her favorite plants include poppies, dahlias, and Oxydendrum.

Cassie has received a certificate in Horticulture from the New York Botanical Garden, with a concentration in Sustainable Garden Design. After completing her certificate, she went on to work at various estates on Long Island, tending to their private gardens as an Assistant Horticulturist, and fell in love with designing with perennials and annuals. She joined Sleepy Cat’s staff in March 2024 as part of our full time gardening staff, as well as taking on social media tasks. Her favorite plants include scabiosa, zinnias, and fuchsias.

Maggie is a former John Nally intern at Wave Hill Public Gardens. She started here as our 2024 intern, and is now a part of our full time gardening staff. Maggie has a passion for learning horticulture and vegetable gardening, and is excited to implement her fresh knowledge in our two vegetable gardens this upcoming season. Her favorite plant’s include lilacs, salvias, and monstera.

Steven started with us as a seasonal employee 2 years ago and has recently joined our full time team! He helps everyone with just about any task and does it with a big smile. Steven has been spending a lot of time this past year taking on the endless amounts of pruning around the property.